I would like to take this opportunity to both thank you and commend you for the work you have been doing with my Mom. Your upbeat style and physical therapy techniques have been extremely successful. In the couple of months that you have been working with her I have seen a significant improvement in her strength and stamina. In addition, your bubbly personality has created a situation where my Mom looks forward to your bi-weekly visits. Over the years we have tried other Physical Therapists and I believe the skills you have and the techniques you use are far superior to others that my Mom has used. It is without reservation that I would recommend you to anyone requiring Physical Therapy services. Thank you for your support.

Priti has been a godsend to my wife Sally, who has been with her since 2015. Initially she was just being treated for mobility issues associated with bilateral achilles surgeries and knee replacements, as well as debilitation from multiple rounds of chemo for recurrent lymphomas. Then in January 2018 Sally succumbed to influenza and was transferred from hospital intensive care to home hospice with only a few weeks life expectancy. Since then Priti has been able to guide her progress from being completely bed bound with no effective use of her limbs to graduation from hospice and to getting around the house on a rollator. Her insights as she helped Sally gradually recover neurological memory and use of her muscles has been remarkable. And her rapport with Sally and their mutual good humor has been a joy to watch.

Priti assisted my stepfather until his death to manage his M.S. and stay fit. Priti's professional knowledge of therapy, fitness, and particularly of M.S. were invaluable. In addition she is fantastic with people. I think, separate from the therapy, that she was the bright spot in my stepfathers schedule - he always lit up when she showed up. She knew just when to keep the pace up and when her medical insight told her that his heart condition needed a break. Priti would have a conversation but keep the work going - a rare combination. Hardworking, honest, flexible, professional, and a wonderful human being on top of all that. It has been my delight and privilege to know her and have access to such wonderful care. I cannot recommend her too highly.

Priti Prabhu worked with my father for two years. I would recommend Priti without any reservation. On the professional side, my father, who was 88 years old when they started working together, was able to maintain his strength and continued to use a walker instead of a wheelchair for much longer than expected. In addition to working with him directly, she also worked with his caregivers so they would be able to care for him in the best way possible. On the personal side, my father looked forward to his sessions wholeheartedly. He thoroughly enjoyed her company as well as her expertise. Priti truly cares about her clients.

I thank you for all of your assistance in helping my mother. She was rather resistant to starting any sort of physical therapy and I felt early on that I was forcing it on her. But Cindy, I think that you have been incredible and every visit had brightened my Mom's day. You have incredible skill and knowledge and those who get to work with you are enormously fortunate. I will heartily recommend without reservation both Mobility & More Inc., and it's amazing therapists to any in the DC area.

Priti Prabhu is an excellent physical therapist who shows wonderful rapport with my dad. He can't wait for her visit, looks forward to talking to her and listening to her guidance. He trusts her and is eager to try the exercises that she provides. When she enters the front door, his eyes light up and he knows that he will be given an hour's worth of good training. Last May he had a bad stroke. He was 100 1/2 and the stroke took away much of his mobility. With Priti's help, he has been able to regain strength in his legs in order to transfer from wheelchair to other sitting places or into a car. He continues to be motivated through her training and finds hope that he will someday even be able to walk on his walker again. Goal-setting is a part of the therapy and gives hope to my father. Because of Priti, the caregivers now know how to help my father use the exercises and they understand the benefits of his doing them daily. Also, Priti knows how to modify the exercises depending upon my father's strengths and weaknesses during the week. She works well with my father so that he is always upbeat.
I would highly recommend Priti for physical therapy to all my friends.